use Getopt::Long ();
my ($opt_debug, $opt_verb, $opt_help, $opt_pages) = (0) x 4;
my $opt_color = '';
my @opt_file = ();
#$opt = param('OPT');
$ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
'debug!' => \$opt_debug,
'verbose+'=> \$opt_verb ,
'help' => \$opt_help ,
'pages=i' => \$opt_pages,
'color=s' => \$opt_color,
'file=s' => \@opt_file );
print "\t-debug = $opt_debug\n",
"\t-verbose = $opt_verb\n",
"\t-help = $opt_help\n",
"\t-pages = $opt_pages\n",
"\t-color = $opt_color\n",
"\t-file = ", join(',',@opt_file),"\n";
Usage() if !$ok || $opt_help;
sub Usage() {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [options] [filename]
This program does following .....
Options are:
-help Print this help message.
-debug Turn on debugging mode. This option is negatable.
i.e accepts --nodebug
-verbose Turn on verbose mode. This option is incremental.
i.e can appear multiple times.
In this case Getopt returns count of appearances
instead of 1
-pages Number of pages to print. Numeric value
-color Use this color. String value
-file Input file name(s). Accepts multiple values.
$0 -help -debug -color=blue -pages=5 -file=/usr/bin/ls -file=/usr/lib/gcc